金融援助 上诉 信息


我们致力于帮助您支付您在正规博彩十大网站的教育费用. 学生和他们的家庭是私立大学教育所需的第一经济来源. 当学生无法支付上大学的全部费用时,财政援助办公室试图帮助弥合差距. 该大学与几个联邦和州财政援助项目合作提供赠款, 向符合条件的学生提供贷款和勤工俭学. 的 university also partners with numerous donors and together we make a significant investment in students by offering scholarships and 奖助金.  



Although many aspects of the student’s financial aid application and resulting eligibility are set by federal and 状态 laws and university policies, 在某些有限的情况下,学生有机会上诉.

学生可以提交的申诉类型如下所述, 在每个描述之后提供门户应用程序链接.


免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA)评估学生的需求为基础的经济援助,如奖学金, 奖助金, 贷款, 和勤工助学. 

你申请奖学金的资格, 奖助金, and other types of financial assistance may be adjusted if you make changes in your enrollment or 住房 status or there are updates in the information on your FAFSA. 

的 FAFSA is based upon a past year’s income and assets that do not reflect their current financial circumstances for some students and families. 出于这个原因和以下列出的重大减刑情况的例子, the university provides the opportunity for students to submit additional pertinent information (and documentation) of 经济困难 to the Office of 金融援助 for consideration via the applicable appeal application.

  • COVID-19大流行造成的经济困难
  • 学生的重大疾病或受伤
  • 学生的直系亲属有重大疾病或受伤
  • 学生配偶的重大疾病或受伤
  • 学生失业
  • 学生家长失业
  • 学生配偶失业
  • 学生分居或离婚
  • 学生父母分居或离婚
  • 学生的直系亲属死亡
  • 学生配偶死亡
  • 这个学生被派往现役
  • 学生配偶被派往现役
  • 学生的父母被派往现役
  • 影响学生的自然灾害
  • 影响学生家长的自然灾害
  • 受自然灾害影响的配偶


的 appeal team carefully reviews each application to determine if the student is eligible and has requested funding for educational costs and/or emergency expenses related to the pandemic. 房屋维修等非教育费用不考虑在内. 也就是说,该团队努力批准尽可能多的上诉.



申诉小组每周或根据需要开会. 一般, students should expect to receive a response or a request for additional information within 10 – 14 days of submitting their appeal.



Students should thoughtfully consider the amounts they w生病了 need to cover the costs they are unable to pay due to their 经济困难. 例如, stating that you need help to pay your tuition and then asking for thousands of dollars more than you owe to the university is likely to result in an outright denial of any funds.

申诉小组审查你的FAFSA, 学生账户, 在你的COA中估计的当前经济援助金额和教育费用. 要求比你的缺口多出数百或数千美元很可能导致上诉被拒绝.

Please be aware that by appealing you are applying to be considered for federal/状态 and or institutional financial aid funds and must answer all questions in the application truthfully and honestly. 大大夸大你的要求是不真实的.


如果我今年能得到额外的经济资助, 我是否每年都会收到相同的金额?

每年大学用来支付学生费用的资源都不一样. Any funding that is provided via the appeal process must be understood to be a single-year non-renewable award solely for the academic year for which you are applying. 如果你的经济困难仍然存在,你可能会被考虑通过上诉程序为下一年的资助.


我不确定该提交哪种类型的上诉. 如果我提交多次上诉申请,我会得到更多的钱吗?

学生不得通过多个门户网站同时提交一份以上的申诉. 如果你不确定提交哪种类型的上诉,请联系财政援助办公室的指导. 同时提交多个上诉会延迟对您的情况的审查,并且不会导致额外的资金.

If a student’s 经济困难 persists and they are in need of additional funding after receiving the response to their first application, 他们可以提出第二次上诉.



Please be aware that by appealing you are applying to be considered for federal/状态 and or institutional financial aid funds and must answer all questions in the application truthfully and honestly. 虽然你不需要在提交上诉时提供文件, 你所提供的信息有待核实, 这意味着你可能需要提交补充文件来确认和/或解释你的答案和陈述. 



联邦 student 贷款 are a valuable resource and personal investment for funding both undergraduate and graduate tuition and other educational expenses. 然而,上诉小组的批准并不主要基于学生是否接受了他们的贷款, 这是决定奖励多少的一个因素. 

视情况而定, (especially if their 学生账户 balance is fully covered) students may be able to accept their 贷款 to provide a buffer against unexpected expenses during the year.




由于前所未有的COVID-19大流行和其他挑战,许多学生及其家庭面临经济困难. 的 Office of 金融援助 has limited funding available for eligible students who need assistance in meeting expenses such as tuition, 住房, 食物, 书, 和/或技术.

符合条件的学生有资格获得为期一年的不可续期的缺口资助, 附加联邦佩尔, FSEOG, 或者机构资助, 贷款, 和/或勤工俭学来帮助他们支付学年的入学费用.

上诉是基于需求的, 这意味着学生必须有经济资格才能获得额外的资助. 一般来说,学生必须提交一份 FAFSA 而且必须先借了学生贷款,学校才会考虑给他们提供额外的助学金.   

国际学生在入学时可以获得奖学金. 寻求额外资助的学生可能希望探索贷款选择, 这可能需要也可能不需要美国.S. 作为签署人的公民. 

该大学的上诉决定基于可记录的正规博彩十大网站排名,如失业, 重大疾病, 离婚, 以及其他改变人生的重大财务变化.  


申请额外援助的申请会在星期一下载,以供查阅. 如果您在周日午夜之前开始但未完成并提交申请,则不完整的申请将被存档. 然后,您需要创建并提交一个新的应用程序.

本科 students who initially enrolled as first-year students are generally expected to complete their degrees by the conclusion of their eighth semester of full-time enrollment. Students who initially enrolled as transfer students are generally expected to complete their undergraduate degrees after enrolling for no more than four to six semesters (depending upon the number of units accepted in transfer)

Students who have completed their first bachelor’s degree (at Pacific or elsewhere) are generally only eligible for their remaining undergraduate student loan eligibility.

大多数机构奖学金(e.g.,董事,总裁,太平洋,鲍威尔,教务长,和音乐学院功绩)和助学金(e.g.(体育、住房、微指令和微指令I补助金) 最多只能收到8个学期的收据(如果你最初是作为转校生进入大学的,则为4到6个学期). 联邦和州的补助金和贷款也限制了合格的学期数.

Students who require an additional semester (or two) of enrollment and wish to appeal for an extension of their financial assistance may do so by applying to the Office of 金融援助. 请注意, 如果你想申请延长你的体育补助金, 联系田径合规办公室.

本科 students are generally required to enroll for a minimum of twelve units (full time) each semester to receive merit scholarships (e.g., 评议, 总统, 教务长, (音乐学院奖学金)和其他机构资助,如运动员奖学金, 住房, 微指令, 和微指令I资助.

Students who require fewer than twelve units to complete their undergraduate degree or the undergraduate coursework of a combined degree program (such as the doctorate in 药店) or who have extenuating circumstances such as required courses not being available, 严重的疾病, 经济困难, or family upheaval are permitted to appeal to retain a portion of their institutional aid during a semester of part-time enrollment.

的 成本 of Attendance (COA) estimates what it w生病了 cost for an undergraduate student to attend 正规博彩十大网站 for an academic year. 它可能会根据你的学习项目和项目费用而有所不同. 你可以查看大学为你计算的COA 提供经济援助学费收费, 住房, 餐, 学费每年都在增加,以确保最高质量的教学, 设施, 项目, 和服务.

美国.S. 国会决定可以包括在COA中的费用. Although the Office of 金融援助 does not have the authority to include expenses in the COA that are not specified in the governing statutes, 比如购买一辆车的费用, 我们可以考虑调整允许的费用.

根据学生居住的地方,间接成本可能会有很大差异, 他们是否有室友, 他们项目所需的书籍和用品, 受抚养人护理费用, 特殊饮食要求, 个人消费习惯.

如果你的住房成本, 食物, 书, 运输, 和/或你的个人开支明显高于COA中的估计, 你可以上诉要求财政援助办公室考虑对你的COA进行可能的调整. COA的调整通常只会增加贷款资格, 不是额外的机构援助. 如果您有进一步的问题,请与您的校园经济援助办公室取得联系.

联邦和州援助以及大多数机构奖学金.g.,董事,总裁,太平洋,教务长,和音乐学院功绩)和助学金(e.g.(体育、住房、微指令和微指令I补助金), 除了鲍威尔奖学金和某些其他捐赠的奖项, 如果你达到了财政援助的学业进步(SAP)标准,你是否可以续签.

简而言之,SAP规定要求学生达到最低平均绩点(GPA)。. 对大多数学生来说,这是2.00和信用积累门槛(pace), 这要求你至少通过67%的科目.

联邦, 状态, and institutional regulations permit students who are not in satisfactory academic standing to appeal their status to receive financial aid funds. 大学允许SAP申请联邦、州和机构的财政援助. Students who are not in satisfactory academic standing may appeal their status by accessing the University’s SAP appeal process and presenting their documented extenuating circumstances.

所有的学生, 但有资格要求重新计算其SAP状态的人员除外, 谁提交申诉还必须包括一份完整的学术计划. 请注意, students who are eligible for a recalculation of their SAP status may be required to submit an academic plan depending upon the outcome of the recalculation. 制定学术计划, 学生必须与一名学术顾问会面,并遵守所有相关规定 需求. 如果SAP上诉被批准, 学生必须遵守相关的学术计划才能获得经济援助.

如果你的SAP申诉被批准,你将被置于试用期. 在任何试用期期间, 你需要达到最低学期绩点2分(不是累积).00分和67%的学分才有资格获得下个学期的经济援助.

如果你的学术成绩不理想,并且经历了重大的情有可原的情况, 您可能希望提交SAP上诉.

正规博彩十大网站的大多数本科生都依赖于经济援助资格, 这意味着他们必须在FAFSA上提供父母的信息. 学生是独立还是依赖取决于他们在第三步的回答, FAFSA第45 - 57题.

有时,一个被认为是依赖的学生经历了家庭动荡,比如父母的遗弃, 或者父母不在家, 生病了, 虐待, 被监禁, 操劳过度的, 否则就不能作为父母. 在这种情况下, 经济援助办公室可以在不使用家长信息的情况下考虑学生的援助. 考虑没有家长信息的学生被称为依赖覆盖.

由于家庭环境的敏感性,可能需要撤销依赖关系, 经济援助办公室为学生提供保密, 关怀.

如果您认为您的家庭情况可能使您有资格获得依赖关系覆盖, 请先和财务援助办公室的一位辅导员谈谈.

在你和辅导员谈过之后, 下一步可能是提交依赖项覆盖应用程序.